Online Booking Instructions

General Tips

  • Update your browser before starting the reservation process.
  • Complete the reservation process without interruptions.
  • Read this reservation guide carefully before entering your ride information.

Promo Codes & Final Payments

  • Promo codes are applicable for round trips or 2 transfers reservations, but not for one-way reservations. If you can't find the promo code, we will apply it during the final confirmation.
  • The reservation system may display different prices from our quoted/published rates, but we will honor those rates during the final confirmation.
  • The system never automatically charges your credit card. Our staff processes payment during final confirmation.
  • Detailed confirmations with meet & greet procedure and receipts will be emailed 24-48 hours after submission.

Cancellation Policy

  • Sedans, vans, and SUVs: Cancel at least 48 hours before to receive a refund.
  • Limos and mini-buses: Cancel at least 7 days before to receive a refund.
  • A 5% credit card processing fee will be deducted from combined refunds of $400 or more.

Child Seats

  • Child seats must be requested ahead of time and noted in confirmations.
  • 7-10 Passenger vans, 12 Passenger vans, and 14 Passenger vans: Up to 2 forward-facing 5 point harness car seats and 2 backless boosters are provided at no charge.
  • Sedans, 4-6 Passenger vans/SUVs, and limos: 1 forward-facing car seat and 1 backless booster are provided at no charge.
  • Mini-buses: No child seats provided (seat belts not required).
  • All vehicles: A $15 charge per transfer per child seat in addition to above limits. A $15 charge per transfer per rear-facing infant seat. No high back boosters offered. Sorry, no substitutions allowed.

Reservation Guide

Service Type/Guest Info

  • Select "Round Trip" service type for 2 transfers. Skip if not sure; this selection is not important.
  • Enter only one lead name and cell number under passenger name and phone(mobile only).

Airport Arrivals

  • Enter the scheduled flight arrival time as the pick-up time to avoid delays. Do not adjust flight arrival time.
  • Must provide airline & flight number both ways if any for airport authority and to monitor your arrival.
  • Use airport code MCO for Orlando airport and select "MCO-Orlando International Airport" from the drop-down list.

Vehicle Type

  • If the system displays a larger vehicle than needed, reduce the number of bags until the right vehicle appears.

Hotel Name And Address Selection

  • Enter the hotel name and select it from the drop-down list.

Round Trip Bookings

  • To book a return trip, proceed to step 3, continue as a guest, enter personal info, and select "Yes" for "Would you like to book a return service".

3-Way/Multi-Transfers Bookings

  • To book a 3-way/Multi-Transfers Package, enter the first transfer info on step 1, the 2nd transfer info in the return trip module on step 3, and the 3rd, 4th, etc. transfers in the "Other Comments or Special Requests" box on step 3.

Pick Up Times From Hotels And Cruise Ships

  • For departure from local area hotels to the airport, enter a pick-up time of 2.5 to 3 hours before flight departure.
  • For return from cruises, the earliest pick-up is 7:00 am (early flyers only), and the latest is 10:30 am (9:30 am for Disney Cruises).

Port Canaveral Terminal Pick-Ups & Drop-Offs

  • To display rate: Enter "Port Canaveral Terminal" and select any Port Canaveral Location with a full street address, i.e. number, street name and zip code. 
  • You must provide the Cruise Ship name in the "Other Comments or Special Requests" box.

Other Comments or Special Requests

  • Use this box for special requests such as child seats, 3rd trip info for 3-way packages, cruise ship name, travel agent info, etc. Do not repeat itinerary and be brief.

Registered Travel Agents

  • Provide your name, agency name, & IATA number in the "Other Comments or Special Requests" box (no account/login needed).
  • Do not enter the guest's email address; only enter yours to review the final confirmation, then forward it to the guest.
  • Do not enter your name and cell number in the passenger name and cell number fields. Guest info only in those fields.
  • For commission matching, do not use any promo codes; we will apply the promo discount manually.


  • All guests arriving at Orlando International must enter their flight info in step 1 and step 3 on the reservation form.
  • All guests boarding cruise ships must provide the Ship's name in the "Other Comments or Special Requests" box.


Did we miss something? How can we improve this page? Please tell us.

Limo Reservation Form