Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Orlando Travel Tips Port Canaveral Ground Transportation
Cruising is the vacation of choice for those who are looking for an easy going trip but also an adventure, the trip of their dreams. Why is it that the cruise lifestyle cannot be shadowed in the hours leading up to your departure? Port Canaveral now has the answer.
Port Canaveral is now the proud home of a brand new state of the art cruise terminal, CT1. Passengers of Royal Caribbean Internationals Explorer of the Seas had the honor of being the first to cruise from the standout new facility.
Safety was one of the biggest concerns while constructing this new terminal. The pedestrians are conveniently located in a separate area from the commercial traffic, giving you ease and peace of mind.
Are you tired of waiting in long lines for your bags to be checked? Port Canaveral’s newest cruise port has conveyor belts from the parking lot to get them off your hands as soon as possible.
Ace Luxury is proud to be the Orlando and Port Canaveral area transportation of choice and we will bring you the same peace of mind and simplicity to your cruising experience.
(More info & photo available at Cruise terminal opens Saturday wows passengers)
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